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Toss your way to Abundance this Lunar New Year with Pinkfish Singapore at Jewel Changi Airport

Pink Fish “moo-s into” the Lunar New Year with our unique creation of Abundance Lo-Hei. Savor the freshness of Norwegian salmon along with an assortment of ingredients from garden-fresh picks to golden crisped salted egg fish skin and lastly perfected with our specially concocted plum sauce.

Toss to an Abundance of health, wealth, goodness, happiness, huatness, harmony, peace, everything, and anything good this Lunar New Year with Pink Fish.

Geir Skeie believes in starting the Lunar New year with the iconic and quintessential lohei and has harmonized the following flavors and ingredients of Norway, Singapore, and Asia in Pink Fish’s Abundance Lohei.

1. Norwegian Salmon (年年有余)

Meaning: "Abundance throughout the year"

2. Pink pickled ginger (身体健康)

Meaning: "Eternal Pink of Health "

3. Golden salted fish skin (满地黄金)

Meaning: “Floor full of gold”

4. Golden crackers (金银满屋)

Meaning: “Household filled with gold and silver”

5. White Radish (步步高升, 风生水起 )

Meaning: "Reaching higher levels with each step" and "Progress at a fast


6. Carrot (鸿运当头)

Meaning: "Good luck is approaching"

7. Edamame and gherkins (青春常驻)

Meaning: "Eternal youth"

8. Orange peel and dried mango (大吉大利)

Meaning: “Good luck, smooth sailing ”

9. Sesame seeds (生意兴隆)

Meaning: “Prosperity for the business”

10. Plum Sauce (甜甜蜜蜜)

Meaning: “Sweet and loving relationships”

Pink Fish Abundance Lo-Hei available from now to the end of Feb 2021.

Pink Fish Abundance Lo Hei at $28.80

Mini Abundance Lohei is available in Small $10.90, Med $14.90 and Large $18.90
