1) They usually serve with a smile and greet you when you enter or leave a restaurant/cafe/or whatever eating place, whereas Singaporeans here look like you owe them 1m dollars. In Japan, when you enter a eating place, they will usually say Irasshaimase which means welcome in Japanese and also Arigato gozaimasu when you exit. I cannot stress enough that they DO this with a smile, however tired they maybe after a day of doing the same thing over and over again. It makes the whole dining experience enjoyable!
In Singapore, They don't smile. They don't say welcome. They don't thank you for eating in their place. >.> I have seen people who work as cashiers showing attitude when you pay for your meal. People who clear the plates and whatnot using a cloth and swiping all the crumbs on the table onto the floor or chairs.
2) They don't smoke anywhere in the public. They have designated smoking places in Tokyo! Omg i was so shocked that people actually follow these kind of rules. I can walk freely in the streets and not breathe in some inconsiderate fucker's second hand smoke. There are also smoking areas that are enclosed in some restaurants which i am so thankful for!
People smoke freely here in Singapore and it is so bad. I am not exaggerating but you can see people smoke everywhere you go. There maybe designated areas for people to sit in hawker centers but it is not properly enclosed.
3) Public transport is generally clean and punctual. I have been to Tokyo twice for holiday and the train stick strictly to the timing unlike our public transport in Singapore where there are endless track faults and delays. Their public transport system is very efficient. People are also more orderly! They don't rush into the train, instead they stand on 2 sides and let people alight first before going in.
We always have fuckers who think they own the trains and like to stand in the middle of the gate when you want to exit, or people who cut queues.
4) Food is generally more affordable in Tokyo! You can have one bowl of yummy ramen for less than 10 dollars but here in Singapore it is usually pried more than that. You can also buy ready made bento sets in their convenience stores or super markets which are generally cheaper. I am not saying that coffee shop or hawker center food are not affordable but is everything as yummy as what they have in japan?
5) Japanese people are usually VERY helpful and kind! Like, you can be asking for directions and if they don't know they will also try to help you! Here in Singapore, you get people replying two word answers like don't know or roll their eyes at you.
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