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Bought a bottle of Green tea milk spread from Osulloc Tea House. This was recommended by friends so I had to get one for myself. The Matcha spread is not the strong bitter kind but a sweet creamy variant. I bought a Zojirushi oven toaster to make toast so this kind of make sense. :X I spread the green tea evenly onto the bread and added a slice of cheese before putting this into the oven for around 4 minutes until the bread is crispy and is in a golden brown colour. Good to have this for breakfast or tea break.


  1. Vitamin B1, C, and caffeine in green tea can promote gastric secretion and help digestion and fat elimination. The catechins in green tea have the effects of anti-oxidation, increase metabolism, and scavenge free radicals. It can activate protein kinase and triglyceride lipase through many actions to reduce the accumulation of fat cells, thus achieving weight loss. Therefore, drinking green tea often can achieve the effect of accelerating fat consumption and strengthening healthy weight loss.
    Green tea weight loss in 1 month


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