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As I was sick for a couple of weeks, I have been having comfort food cravings and porridge/congee came to my mind. I had some better than boullion broth and why not add it in for that extra burst of flavour. 

I also researched on on the rice to water ratio and was surprised how the amount of water can affect the texture of the porridge.

Rice to Liquid ratio:
  1. For very thick porridge: Rice to liquid ratio is 1:7
  2. For thick porridge: Rice to liquid ratio is 1:8
  3. For medium-thick porridge: Rice to liquid ratio is 1:9
  4. For medium-thin congee: Rice to liquid ratio is 1:10


  • 1 Cup Rice
  • 8 Cups Water
Cooking Directions
  1. Bring the water and rice to a boil in a large pot.
  2. Put all the ingredients in so it can get cooked together with the rice.
  3. I put 1 tablespoon of Better than boullion vegetable/lobster broth for extra taste.
  4. Stir it occasionally until the rice has the thick, creamy texture of porridge on medium-low to low heat. This can take up to 1 hour.

